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Selling or purchasing a home is one of the most important events in which you will ever be involved.  A home inspection is an inexpensive way to evaluate the condition of a home and will avoid a costly mistake by purchasing a property in need of major repairs.  


Even if you think you have found a “dream home,” it is a home inspector’s responsibility to let you know that your “dream home” may not be just right. At the end of the day, nothing is more valuable than your peace of mind...

A Home inspection is a professional consulting service that determines the present condition of the home’s major systems, based on a visual inspection of accessible features. It focuses on the performance of the home, rather than cosmetic, code or design issues.


Inspections are often performed during a real estate transaction but may be done anytime.

The Scope of a Home Inspection

  • An in-field evaluation and professional opinion of the performance of the readily accessible installed systems in a home at one point in time


  • Primarily a visual examination


  • Intended to identify components that are significantly deficient, unsafe or near the end of their life


  • Documented in a written report

A Home Inspections is...

  • An insurance policy, guarantee or warranty on the home


  • An invasive or destructive exercise


  • Intended to identify concealed defects


  • A code or design review


  • Intended to predict future performance or life expectancy


  • An environmental review or energy audit

A Home Inspections is not...

Arturo King

Civil Engineer (Venezuela)

Certified Professional Inspector (interNACHI)

Licensed Home Inspector (HI10794), Florida

  • John I.   (Watson's Realtor)

  • Eleana.   (Watson's Realtor)

  • Tatiana G. (Buyer)

I've used 7 Stars Inspections on multiple occasions. Arturo is able to meet and exceed my timelines, extremely thorough, and professional. He has all the tools to help discover hidden items that other inspectors might miss. My customers also have been highly pleased with his level of service. Keep up the great work!

Hi, I'm a Real Estate Agent and I've recommended Mr. King to my Buyers and Sellers because he is extremely professional. He has proven to be very effective and responsible in his detailed reports that allow to negotiate more effectively during a transaction. I highly recommend Mr. King for all your Home Inspection needs.

Gracias Arturo! Mas que complacidos con el reporte de la inspeccion, muy detallado y completo. Es notorio su compromiso con la calidad. El reporte lo reviso un amigo nuestro que tiene mucha experiencia en el mercado inmobiliario y la construccion y comento que nunca habia visto un reporte mas completo. Agradecemos su trabajo tan oportuno y calidez en el trato con sus clientes.

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